Securing Bitcoin Loans on DLCs with sBTC Liquidation
sBTC offers impressive Bitcoin bridging solution, but many Bitcoiners are wary of pegging BTC to secondary layers. This article digs deep into those concerns and how DLCs provide a potential solution that strengthens both the utility of Bitcoin and the core value proposition of sBTC.
AMA with dlcBTC, Velar, and Arkadiko - Exploring DeFi Innovations on Bitcoin
Dive into our AMA to learn how dlcBTC, Velar, and Arkadiko are transforming the DeFi landscape on Bitcoin. Discover how DLCs and innovative solutions are making Bitcoin more accessible for lending, borrowing, and cross-chain liquidity.
How Do DLCs Utilize Schnorr Signatures?
Discover how DLCs utilize Schnorr signatures to enable secure, efficient, and flexible smart contracts on Bitcoin. Learn how these cryptographic tools allow for multiple conditional outcomes, such as loan repayment, while ensuring privacy and decentralized execution.