Beyond the Blueprint: How dlcBTC Has Revolutionized the Original DLC Concept

Discover how dlcBTC has revolutionized the core DLC concept by enhancing security, scalability, and efficiency. Learn about the strategic changes and innovations that make DLC.Link a superior practical DLC use case solution for DeFi.

Key Takeaways

  • dlcBTC has built on and evolved the original Discreet Log Contract concept into a superior practical application that meets the needs of modern finance.

  • By using Ethereum as the Oracle and a network of attestors as relays, dlcBTC ensures high security and trustlessness by relying on transparent on-chain events.

  • The system eliminates the need for counterparty collateral and simplifies user interactions, making dlcBTC more accessible and user-friendly.

"Change is the only constant in life," said the Greek philosopher Heraclitus.

In the dynamic world of blockchain technology, this saying resonates deeply. As innovations continue to shape the landscape, adaptability and evolution remain crucial.

In our previous article, "What Are Discreet Log Contracts and How Do They Work?" we delved into Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) fundamentals and their potential to revolutionize conditional agreements on the Bitcoin network.

Now, we take a step further to explore how dlcBTC has embraced and transformed the original DLC concept to meet modern demands and challenges.

dlcBTC has expanded the foundational idea of DLCs into a more versatile, secure, and practical framework that integrates seamlessly with various blockchain environments.

This article will walk you through the reasons behind this strategic shift, the key differences from the original concept, and the significant improvements that make dlcBTC a superior practical application of the core DLC concept.

Reasons Why dlcBTC Improved Upon the Core DLC Concept

In the development of dlcBTC, several dynamics necessitated a deviation from the original DLC specification. These factors emerged from practical considerations and the need to address specific challenges within the DeFi ecosystem.

Here are the key reasons that drove us towards a solution distinct from the original DLC concept:

Alice Locks Collateral, Bob Provides Service

In the traditional DLC framework, both parties, Alice and Bob, typically provide collateral to ensure trust and security.

However, in the dlcBTC model, Alice locks Bitcoin collateral, and Bob, represented as a decentralized application (dApp), provides a service without locking collateral.

The change eliminates the need for Bob to support DLC signing, simplifies the process, and removes the need for Alice to trust that Bob has signed anything properly on the Bitcoin network.

Olivia's Attestation

Olivia, an attestor, verifies whether the dApp performed its job correctly, as reflected in a smart contract on a secondary blockchain (e.g., Ethereum or Arbitrum).

The setup ensures that the verification process is transparent and trustless, relying on the smart contract's outcomes rather than individual agreements.

Third-Party Dependencies

In the dlcBTC framework: third parties, such as Charlie, depend on the proper functioning of the dApp service.

Unlike traditional DLCs, where the risk of collusion between Alice and Bob is minimal, our model faces a unique challenge: Alice and Bob (the dApp) might collude.

To prevent this, we implemented cryptographic guarantees, ensuring that third parties can trust the system without fearing collusion or malicious actions by the dApp organization.

Trust in Attestation

Alice and Charlie need to trust that Olivia will accurately report Bob's performance.

To mitigate the risk of collusion between Bob and Olivia, we deploy multiple attestors (a network of Olivias) with incentives structured to make collusion unworthy or technically infeasible.

The attestation network adds a layer of security and trustworthiness to the system.

Collateral Reallocation

The locked collateral from Alice might either return to her or, in some cases, transfer to another party, such as Charlie (or a liquidator, Larry). The reallocation requires that other parties trust the system's integrity, even though they are not directly involved in the DLC.

The attestors, aware of Bob's tasks, verify compliance and ensure proper collateral reallocation. If discrepancies arise, attestors can either halt the process or attest to refund Alice.

The Changes

To address the unique challenges and requirements identified in our deviation from the original DLC concept, we implemented several significant changes.

These modifications are designed to enhance security, trust, and efficiency within our framework, setting us apart from traditional DLCs. Here are the fundamental changes we introduced:

DLC Attestors Acting as Relays

In the original DLC specification, the Oracle attests to what is true by signing the corresponding outcome with its key.

However, in the dlcBTC framework, our attestors have a different role. They have less accountability in determining the truth since the truth is whatever is recorded on the smart contract blockchain (e.g., Ethereum, Arbitrum).

In essence, Ethereum acts as the Oracle, and our attestors merely sign what they observe on the blockchain.

The attestors run Ethereum validator nodes to verify events on-chain before publishing their attestations.

The process transforms our attestors into relays, who translate signals from Ethereum to Bitcoin settlement instructions. This relay mechanism simplifies the system, ensuring that the attestors only need to confirm on-chain events rather than independently determining outcomes.

The End-Product: A Superior Practical Application

The changes introduced in the dlcBTC architecture are not merely incremental improvements but transformative changes that enhance the overall functionality, security, and scalability of Discreet Log Contracts.

Here's how these changes have elevated dlcBTC beyond the original concept:

Enhanced Security and Trust

By using Ethereum as the Oracle and employing a network of attestors who act as relays, dlcBTC ensures a high level of security and trustlessness.

The approach mitigates the risk of collusion and eliminates the need for Bob to lock collateral or support DLC signing. It ensures that outcomes are determined by transparent, on-chain events, reducing the possibility of manipulation and enhancing the reliability of the system.

Simplified Process

The shift to using attestors as relays and handling multiple discrete DLCs simplifies the overall process.

Users no longer need to navigate the complexities of multi-party DLCs. Instead, they can rely on a streamlined system where each user's collateral is handled independently yet coordinated through smart contracts.

The simplification makes dlcBTC more accessible and user-friendly, encouraging broader adoption.

Theft-Proof Mechanism

By leveraging a pre-signature mechanism that only pays out to the depositor address and various incentives structured to discourage collusion, dlcBTC enhances the system's robustness.

The networked approach makes it technically and economically infeasible for any party to collude, ensuring that the system remains secure and trustworthy.

It strengthens the overall integrity of the contracts and reassures users of the system's reliability.

Faster Settlement

The fully automated nature of the dlcBTC process makes it 3-10x faster than other wrapped Bitcoin solutions.

The reliance on on-chain events verified by attestors eliminates delays associated with manual interventions. This efficiency results in faster and more predictable settlement times, which is crucial for high-frequency trading and other time-sensitive financial operations.


By innovating beyond the original DLC blueprint, dlcBTC has created a more secure, efficient, and scalable solution for DeFi.

These changes address the inherent limitations of the core DLC concept and position dlcBTC as a superior practical application that can meet the demands of a rapidly evolving financial landscape.

As a result, dlcBTC stands out as a pioneering force, driving the future of trustless and secure financial transactions.

About dlcBTC

As a decentralized wrapped Bitcoin, dlcBTC leverages Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) and Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) to provide a theft-proof bridge to cross-chain DeFi, backed by the security of the Bitcoin network. dlcBTC unlocks yield for your Bitcoin in DeFi with the benefit of lower fees and merchant self-custody, empowering users to put their Bitcoin to work.


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